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Introducing 'Healthy Corner' With Haute Blonde

Before we start this series, I wanted to make a brief introduction. In the past year, I have dropped 20 pounds. Although I think a great amount had to do with living in France and walking everywhere (as well as Europe being very well informed about portion control), since coming home I have gotten into a decent healthy schedule that I want to share with you all, and maybe encourage to join me in bettering you physical and mental health.

Before going any further, however, I want to share some important reminders for anyone reading this. For starters, ALL bodies are beautiful. I chose to get in shape as I felt more confident and felt like my energy increased greatly. I also can't destress better than when I workout. This is not going to be a series the encourages to lose weight; This will be focusing on my journey and to help inspire others to work towards their health and fitness goals. Secondly, every body is different. Just because what I share works for me does not mean it will work for everyone. Everyone burns calories differently, handles stress differently, and eats differently. Lastly, everyones goals are different. My biggest goal is to be able to run 3-4 miles without stopping, have a balanced diet, and become overall less anxious. I have achieved none of these yet, but I know I will eventually, and just have to keep working hard towards these goals! I hope you will continue to follow these series and share updates of your progress with me as well!

The biggest thing I would recommend to start is to come up with a workout plan that will accomplish your body goals. I will share my workout routine in another post but when making it I wanted to focus on toning, abs, booty, and legs, so I made a workout plan from multiple Pinterest posts and started out with 30-50 reps each. I have kept it the same for the most part, adding sets in to intensify some areas during my workout. Write down this workout plan and stick somewhere that will remind you to get moving! set an alarm or reminder on your phone as well. I workout every morning around 7 or 8 am to get some energy for the day, and stay as cool as possible! It is a great way to start the day, but everyone is different and has different schedules! Once you make your workout plan, and set a time dedicated to workout, you're ready to start! The first step is working out and getting into the groove of it all. Then you throw in dietary changes or needs. Remember, look at the end goals you create, not the number that shows on the scale. We will go through all of this more in depth as I start this series, but for now get researching on a good workout plan, and I'll see you back here next post where I go over my personal workout routine!

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